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Q: What house did this to Andrew Johnson?
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Where is Andrew Johnson's house located?

Andrew Johnson Home, Greeneville, Tennessee

What was Andrew Johnson's Indictment?

Andrew Johnson was indicted by the House for his violation of theTenure of Office Act.

Was Andrew Jackson impeached by the house of representatives but never convicted by the senate?

Not Andrew Jackson, but Andrew Johnson.

Which reconstruction era president was impeached?

President Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives, but not removed from office by the Senate.

How did the House of Representatives vote to impeach Johnson?

The House voted 126 to 47 in favor of the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.

What month was Andrew Johnson impeached?

The House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson in February 1868; he was acquitted at his Senate trial in May 1868.

Where did Andrew Johnson live while being president?

the white house

Andrew Johnson was indicted by the House for his violation of the?

Tenure of Office Act

Where was Andrew Johnson when Lincoln was assassinated?

He was at home in the rooming house in which he lived.

What president vetoed the Reconstruction acts and the fourteenth amendment?

Andrew Johnson

Why did Andrew Johnson host the Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn?

Andrew Johnson had nothing to do with an Easter Egg Roll at the White House. That event was brought to the White House by Rutherford B. Hayes when it was no longer possible to do it on the Capitol lawn.

Which president before reaching the white house worked as a tailor?

ANDREW Johnson