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It is spelt Oh because the way the o sounds. Plus there is no other way to spell it.

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10mo ago

The word is "o".

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Q: What has o sound but spelled oh?
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Does clove have a long o sound?

Yes. It has a long O (oh) and a silent E. It rhymes with cove and drove.Similarly spelled, love has a short uh sound and move has a long OO sound.

How do you spell o o?

The mild exclamation of worry is spelled "oh oh." (similar to 'uh oh')The exclamation of admiration, awe, or approval is spelled "ooo.""Oh oh. It looks like the cat got into the food.""Ooo! His new car looks really sleek!"

Does go have a short o or long o sound?

It has a long O (oh) sound, as in no and so.

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The word "laughter" has an 'o' sound and is spelled with 'augh'.

Does the word open have a long o sound?

Yes, it has the "oh" sound of a long O, and a schwa on the second syllable (OH-pin / OH-pun).

Does bone have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "bone" has a long vowel sound, where the 'o' makes the 'oh' sound (/oʊ/).

Is drago spelled dragy or drago?

Oh my gosh! You spelled it right the first it IS spelled D-R-A-G-O!

Does sold have a long o sound?

Yes, "sold" has a long "o" sound because the "o" is pronounced like "oh" in this word.

Does stone have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "stone" has a long vowel sound, as the 'o' makes the 'oh' sound in this word.

Does moment have a long o or short o sound?

The O has a long O (oh) sound, as in motion, moat, and mope.

Does cold have a long or short o?

The O has a long O (oh) sound, as in bold and gold.