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Whatever he wants; he's no longer vice - president if the president is not re - elected (in the United States, anyway) The Vice-President's term ends at the same time as the President's term ends, they were elected for the same period of time.

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17y ago
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12y ago

Nowadays they get a nice pension, money for secretarial help and security protection. They have no difficulty getting offers to speak, serve as adjunct professors, serve on corporate board and boards of charitable organization and to write their memoirs for publication. If they wish, they can exert influence in party politics.

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16y ago

After the president leaves office, he or she is entitled to $170,000 pension and secret service protection for life.

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12y ago

what kind of question is this? -_- Obama is going to be the president again so i don't know why y'all asking these dumb questions

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16y ago

The vice president takes over until the next election.

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15y ago

is the president 1 term (4 Years) the vote and the same president is elected then the have one more term (4 Years) then they can't be president no more

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14y ago

The president-elect takes the oath of office and becomes president.

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12y ago

The Vice-President always becomes President after the President finishes serving his term.

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Q: What happens to a US Vice-President when a US President's term ends?
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January 20th of any year at 12:00 Noon

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Since U.S. presidents can not serve more than two terms, when Barack Obama's second term ends, he will no longer be able to run for president. In November 2016, there will be an election, and a new president will be chosen.

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Presidents can only serve two terms. Since Mr. Obama was re-elected in 2012, he will be out of office when his second term officially ends, after the 2016 election.

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I believe it's around 9 presidents.

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US presidents have a 4-year term.

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Barack Obama became president in 2008. He then ran for re-election and won a second term in 2012. When his term ends, he will not be able to run for a third time, because presidents are only allowed to serve two terms.

What time does presidents term of office end?

He became president (second term) in 2012 so it will end in 2016.

How long is a the presidents term?

Four years.

What presidents time in office called?

A term