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If no presidential candidate receives an absolute majority of the electoral votes cast, the U. S. House of Representatives elects the president from among the three presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. The whole delegation of Representatives from each state has only one vote. If none of the three receives an absolute majority of at least 26 votes, the House election is repeated until somebody does. This happened only one time so far, in 1824.

If no vice presidential candidate receives an absolute majority of the electoral votes cast, the U. S. Senate elects the vice president from between the two vice presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. If neither of the two receives an absolute majority of at least 51 votes, the Senate election is repeated until somebody does. This happened only one time so far, in 1836.

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11y ago
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7y ago

The total number of electoral votes is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). Therefore it is not possible for both candidates to receive 270 votes. That would require a total of 540 electoral votes. A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538.

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12y ago

In this case the House of Representative would determine the winner in a special kind of election in which each state would get one vote. I suspect that such a total is mathematically impossible and I know it is impossible in the practical sense.

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11y ago

It can not happen! There are only 538 electoral votes total.

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3y ago
But if there are an equal numbr of eectoral votes avilable, it is conceivable that noth tie...

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11y ago

The House of Representatives elects the President and the Senate elects the Vice President.

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When nobody receives votes from more than half of the electors, the U.S. House of Representatives elects the President from among the top three presidential candidates with the most electoral votes, and the U.S. Senate elects the Vice President from between the top two vice-presidential candidates with the most electoral votes. That's how John Quincy Adams got elected in 1825 despite being less popular and receiving fewer electoral votes than Andrew Jackson, and the same rules are still in effect today.

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