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If a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) became President of the United States, he/she would probably attend church at the Washington DC 3rd Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rather than in the Presidential Pew at St. John's Episcopal Church like every other president has (although in keeping with tradition he/she would probably attend at St. John's occasionally). There would probably also be less coffee and alcohol served in the White House.

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10y ago

The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) is the most senior (longest serving, not oldest living) Apostle upon the death of the previous president.

So, in order to become the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you need to: 1.) be a male.

2.) be a baptized member of the Church, ordained to the Aaronic and Melchizidek Priesthoods.

3.) be selected by the current prophet to fill a vacancy in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles (vacancies are usually filled by those who have demonstrated many years of honorable leadership and service at the congregational and regional level, and often have served as Bishops, Stake Presidents, Mission Presidents, and Seventies)

4.) be the longest serving apostle at the time that a church President dies

5.) be sustained by the Apostles and the entire body of the Church as such

Then, you may be ordained by the laying on of hands by the entire Apostolic body to recieve the Priesthood keys necessary to be the president, prophet, seer, and revelator of the church.

There are other 'Presidents' in the church - each group in each congregation is headed by a president, chosen by the president of the group above them. Boys serve as presidents of the Deacons, Teachers, and Priests. Men serve as presidents of the Young Men (youth group), Elders (men's service/study group), and adult Sunday School. Girls serve as presidents of the Beehives, Mia-Maids, and Laurels. Women serve as presidents of the Primary (children's Sunday School), Young Women (youth group), and Relief Society (women's service/study group). Branch Presidents or Bishops are 'presidents' of their congregations. Each Stake (group of 5-15 regional congregations) also has a general president, as well as stake Relief Society, Primary, Sunday School, Young Men, and Young Women presidents. This is mirrored in the church as a whole, with general presidents of the Relief Society, Primary, Sunday School, Young Men, and Young Women, and seven presidents of the Seventies. There are also Mission Presidents and Temple Presidents for each mission and temple in the Church. This makes 13 presidents in each congregation (times approximately 30,000 congregations) + 6 in each stake (times 3643 stakes) + 5 over the general church auxiliaries + 7 over the Seventies + 1 over each of the 170 temples + 1 over each of the 406 missions = 412,446 presidents currently serving in the Mormon Church. All of these positions are temporary and rotated every few years.

While it is highly unlikely (perhaps a 1 in 10,000,000 chance) that you will become the President of the Mormon Church, it is very likely that, as a Mormon, you will serve as a president of something at some time.

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