Friday, March 4, 1853 was Pierce's Inauguration Day.
He was 48 on this , his inauguration day.
Nov. 2, 1852 was election day in the US and Pierce was elected as president of the US on that day.
Ronald Reagan's inauguration was the coldest inauguration day on record. The temperature was 7°F.
The day of Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inauguration was Hoover's last day as president.
The Emergency Banking Bill was passed by Congress the day after Franklin Roosevelt's inauguration. A bank holiday was declared, and all banks were closed for a week to prevent a collapse of the banking system. After the banks re-opened, the public confidence in the system was restored, due to measures taken by Roosevelt.
The tradition of attending a morning worship service on Inauguration Day began with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. Franklin Roosevelt was not the first President to attend church on Inauguration Day, however. In 1789, George Washington attended a service at St. Paul's Chapel in New York City immediately following his swearing-in ceremony.
Franklin Pierce married to Jane Appleton in November 19, 1834
The president-elect was sworn in becoming President of the United States of America.
It has not happened yet, January 20th 2009 is the official U.S. president inauguration day and it has been January 20th since Franklin D. Roosevelt's second inauguration in 1938, which changed the date from March 4. That's a Tuesday. Starts at 12:00 PM with Vice Pres. inauguration first, then Pres. before noon The inaugural ceremony takes place on January 20, 2009.
I am not sure what you want to know. Pierce lived before there was electronic communication. Like the other people of his day, he wrote letters, made speeches and talked to people.