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Grant's orders to General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley were to destroy all of the food and supplies that he could find and to drive the Confederates under General Early out of the valley. Sheridan followed Grant's orders. He destroyed the provisions in the valley and defeated the Confederate force that was using it as a base of operations.

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11y ago

The exact orders from General Grant to General Sheridan, or other information that Grant spoke about, most likely centered around the value of taking control of the rich farmlands in the Shenandoah Valley. Sheridan took over the Valley operation from Major General Sigel in whom Grant lost confidence.


On Aug. 26,1864 at 2.30 PM Grant telegraphed to Sheridan ordering him (summary) .." to transform the Shenandoah Valley in a dingy desert, so that even the crows going there should bring along their supplies."

Therefore Sheridan did not just take control of the rich farmland but litterally destroy it, scorching the earth. Even the stocks of firewood for the winter were destroyed; the livestocks and the slaves were confiscated and all men upto fifty years were taken into captivity.

Dwelling houses should be excluded from these measures, but very often, both for retaliation against guerrilla actions, and at the initiative of drunken soldiers or looters, the buildings were also torched and the inhabitants left homeless.

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13y ago

In total war was to destroy souths will to fight

Because he had a small penis

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11y ago

he told his troops to destroy everything & leave the area barren

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12y ago

he got attacked by donuts

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Q: What happened in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley in 1864 when General Philip Sheridan and his cavalry were instructed to march through there by Grant?
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