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The Rangers that have issued handguns--machinegun crews, mostly--carry the M9 pistol. For most infantrymen--Rangers are extremely well-trained infantrymen--they'd be better off carrying another canteen than carrying a pistol.

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Q: What handguns are used by the Army Rangers?
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Do you have to be protestant to support rangers?

Not to support the US Army Rangers.

Did they use handguns in world war?

Yes, handguns were used in WWI, and WWII.

Do army rangers have to train with parachutes?

Curerently, Rangers must be jump qualed. There are no leg Rangers anymore, only Airborne Rangers.

What are the army rangers?

The Army Rangers are an elite regiment of Infantry, trained in more specialised roles than standard line infantry are.

Can you join Army rangers if a sibling already is one Or do the rangers not accept you?

Yes, you can.

Army rangers hand to hand combat?

Rangers get taught great hand to hand combat.

What do rifles shotguns and handguns differ mostly on?

Rifles, shotguns and handguns differ mostly on the type of cartridge used.

What is the US Army warfare team called?

The American team in Modern Warfare 2 is the United States Army Rangers, simply called Rangers in the game.

Where can you get a list of army rangers?

One can find out on how to become an Army Ranger by simply applying to defend one's country as a Army Ranger. One will find that not only the United Statses of America have Army Rangers, but also Canada and parts of Irish Millitary Defence Units share the name of Army Rangers.

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Are the US Army Rangers real or fake?

Real : sfod ( special force operational detactment). And you can always google army rangers delta force and/ or YouTube it as well.