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Q: What had been a fear of President Eisenhower?
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What had been fear of president Eisenhower?


Why do you think Kennedy tried to link Nixon to Eisenhower?

Because Nixon had been Eisenhower's Vice President.

The term executive privilege orginated with?

president eisenhower

How many members there were in the house when Eisenhower was president?

The number of members in the House was 435 when Eisenhower was president- same as it is now and the same as it has been since 1913.

What US president lived in Kansas?

On May 4th 1865 Abraham Lincoln was buried in his home town, Springfield, Illinois.

What if Richard Nixon was not Eisenhower's vice president would the country have been different?

Yes Actually Nixon caused lots drama after his run but, eisenhower was not a bad president after all.

Did President Eisenhower wright the Eisenhower Doctrine?

The Eisenhower Doctrine is actually not a document. It is a speech by President Dwight David Eisenhower. It was a "Special Message to Congress about the situation in the middle east during Eisenhower's President time.

When was Dwight D. Eisenhower President?

President Eisenhower served from 1953 to 1961.

Who was vice president under President Eisenhower?

Richard Nixon was the Vice President under President Eisenhower.

Who was president during mccarthyism?

President Dwight Eisenhower

Who won the president election in which the Korean war was a key?

President D. Eisenhower.

Why didn't Eisenhower become president when Nixon resigned?

Eisenhower was dead at the time, and not vice president.