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Q: What group was gaining more control in congress during 1874?
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What group was gaining more control in congress in 1874?


Proposed the idea of separation of powers would keep any individual or group from gaining total control of a government.?

Baron de Montesquieu proposed dividing government into three branches to prevent one person or group from gaining control.

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Baron de Montesquieu proposed dividing government into three branches to prevent one person or group from gaining control.

What group played the role of the government for the colonies during the Revolution?

Continental Congress

What was the group called that the representatives from each colony met during the revolutionary war?

Continental Congress

What was the governmental group that wanted one national flag during the revolutionary war?

inential Congress

What is the purpose of a control group?

The defintion of a control group in an experiment is a standard for comparison. So then the purpose of the whole control group during an expirenment is to have something to compare your data to.

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A group of owls is called a parliament, not a congress.

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Group 17 and group 16 in general.

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In a group they are known as a Congress, a Troop or more recently a Flange

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The control group is not changed in any way during the experiment. It serves as a baseline for comparison with the group that is exposed to the experimental manipulation.

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The US Federal Congress Authority