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Q: What government is ruled by no one?
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“ Which of these describes an autocracy “ A+ The government is ruled by one person?

The government is ruled by one person

Is a unitary government ruled buy one person?

no it is ruled by 20 people

How was an aristocracy different than an oligarchy?

An aristocracy government was ruled by one King/Queen, an oligarchy government was ruled by the few.

Government ruled by one persom is what?

Monarchy, Authoritarian Government, Dictatorship, or Tyranny.

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At one time France was ruled by a?

At one time in hi story France was ruled by a monachy a monarchy is a government ruled by a king or queen but most of the time it was a ing

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one ruled by a dictator who has complete authority

What is a government controled by one person?

There is a Theocracy, That is Ruled by God.

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What does one call a government ruled by and king or queen?

It is called a parlement