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reports on new information; digital, electronic, and mechanical technology; reports on new scientific developments; micro and macroeconomic forecasts; and reports on present and proposed legislation

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Q: What external sources of information used by the client should be considered in the examination of prospective financial statements?
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What role do public accountants play in the examination of financial forecasts and projections?

The accountants who examine such statements must consider whether the sources of information used by the client are sufficient to support the assumptions reflected in the prospective statements.

What internal sources of information must accountants consider in the examination of prospective financial statements?

strategic plans, budgets, contractual agreements, purchase and sale agreements and commitments, intellectual property rights such as copyrights and patents, royalty and commission agreements

What does compilation of prospective financial statements by public accountants involve?

the service of preparing the statements in whole or part from information and significant assumptions provided by the responsible party, usually a member of management

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payroll and benefits, needed employees, raw materials, products the entity sells, freight or shipping, and advertising.

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finanical statements finanical statements

Can a prospective employer ask you why you left your previous employer?

Employers are NOT restricted in making factual comments on former employers. They are liable only if they make knowingly false statements. Prospective employers can ask about your former job, too.

Impact of finance on financial statements?

Finance are the reason for financial statements. Without financial information, financial statements can't be created. Investors use this information to make decisions about investing in a business.

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