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They are doing what they took an oath to do.

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Q: What exactly is going on with the US troops and the fighting in Afghanistan as of July 2010?
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How many US soldiers are going to Afghanistan in 2010?

30000 troops

Why has Canada's mission in Afghanistan changed from peacekeeping to fighting the war?

i am not sure but isn't the Afghanistan war still going?

How many US troops are stationed in Afghanistan?

We're all not almost going to the end of all, which is where we're not going at the end, but at the beginning of going to the end, we are going to the end, where we will no longer be going to the end.

Do canadian military troops have training before going to afghanistan?

Yes, generally 12 months full-time of training.

Is Afghanistan going to bomb us?

No they won't and if you even consider it the government will most likely evacuate troops and nuke the place.

Should President Obama send more troops to Afghanistan?

Yes because America doesnt want to keep getting attacked it cost to keep having these wars plus pretty soon there will be no one else left on the planet plus president Obama has the right to send more troops to Afghanistan and if he doesnt the taliban will kepp messing with Afghanistan and mabe if theres not enough troops to stop the bulling the Obama going to have to send more troops no matter what.

How many US soldiers are in the thirty thousand troops that are going to be sent to Afghanistan in 2010?

If the U.S. is sending them, then they will probably all be US soldiers

What is the song Danger Line by Avenged Sevenfold about?

It's about the Iraq/Afghanistan war. Avenged had experiences going there for concerts for the troops and wrote the song based on the the heroes in the military.

Has Barack Obama ever declared war?

Yes and no. He did not start any wars, but he inherited two wars from President Bush. Mr. Obama ended most of the US involvement in Iraq and brought the vast majority of the troops home in 2011. He is currently overseeing the end of US involvement in Afghanistan, and expects most of the troops to be home by next year.

When did they us multicam uniform come out?

It came out in early 2010 and was initially issued to troops first going to Afghanistan. There is still not enough for people outside of the war zone to be issued it.

How many Troops are deployed currently?

There are nearly 38,000 troops still deployed today. This war has been going on since 2001. This means that we have been fighting in war for over 13 years now.

Why did Washington sneak attack on the hessians?

Enlistment time was almost up for his men in the army