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For radical minded Southern leaders, the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln in 1860, was the "straw that broke the camel's back". Secessionists in South Carolina seceded from the Union in December of 1862. Lincoln, for his part, wanted to avoid this kind of political protest. He had already spoken out about various issues surrounding slavery. He promised to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act and to not interfere where slavery already existed. Both Northern and Southern leaders knew that the US Supreme Court already had, in the Dred Scott case in 1857, ruled that slavery was legal and that the US Congress or the US president could not interfere in the slavery issue.Despite that, many Southerners believed that Lincoln would attempt to interfere. Also, the South understood that as the US population in the North and in the territories expanded, at some point in the future there was a chance that a constitutional amendment could abolish slavery.

As an aside, they did not recognize that also in the future, they themselves might abandon slavery as an economic measure. Many economists, such as Adam Smith, already pointed out in the late 18th century that investments in slavery were a bad choice for investment capital.

Southern radicals did not also understand that Lincoln was a minority president. The Radical minded Republicans were not a threat at all as soon as the Democratic Party reunited. Lincoln had won the presidency because the large national Democratic Party was split in 1860. Lincoln and three other "democrats" made the 1860 elections a four man race.

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Q: What event could be considered the straw that broke the camel's back between the North and South?
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