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A palindrome . Mom , pop , dad , bob , etc . . .

rats=star, rat=tar, bat=tab, ten=net
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Q: What else spelled backwards spells something else?
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No, because dragons aren't real, and neither are "Spells that turn you into something else".

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Haaa ha! It's an anagram that's supposed to mean something else when reversed. In other words "sumarongi" spells IGNORAMUS when reversed, a word that means an idiot.

Is there a spell to turn you into a mermaid when you touch water?

No. Mermaids are not real. They do not exist and are from stories and legends. People can not become mermaids. Spells are also not real and there is no spell that can change you into something else.

Are spells witchcraft?

Yes, spells of all kinds are forms of witchcraft. More importantly, love spells are generally not just inadvisable, but unethical. Most love spells available to the uninitiated are spells meant to be cast on someone else. Casting a spell on someone else without their express knowledge and permission is manipulative, unethical and rarely if ever work in the manner you expect. The only love spells that work well are spells cast upon yourself help you become the sort of person who can attract, keep and return the love they deserve.

How else is ''burqa'' spelled?

The word Burqa is also spelled burkha, or burka

What is the best spell or potion to become a mermaid that works?

There are no spells or anything else that can turn a person into a mermaid or anything else. Mermaids are not real. Spells are not real and both of these only exist in stories, films, and myths. It is all make believe.

What spells are there to become a mermaid?

There are no spells to turn humans into mermaids or anything else. Mermaids are not real and are only in stories, film, or myth. They do not exist and it is all make believe.

What is the best spell or potion to become a mermaid?

There are no spells or anything else that can turn a person into a mermaid. Spells are not real. Mermaids are not real and these things only exist in films and movies.

What are some websites to find mermaid spells?

You could find website with make believe information on how to do spells, but these aren't real and will never turn you into a mermaid. Think, how silly that sounds that a person turns into something else. Really, messy too. If you want to pretend to be a mermaid go buy a costume. This is the only way you will be a mermaid.