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Though it has been adapted to many different uses and similar sayings the original is "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"

Taken directly.

"A proverb advising the tactic of caution and non-aggression, backed up by the ability to do violence if required."

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'Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick' are the famous words that accompany President Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick ideology for foreign policy. The concept includes negotiating peacefully - walking softly - while still threatening with the military - carrying the big stick. Experts generally say that this ideology resembles Machiavellian ideals.

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11y ago

Roosevelt attributed the saying to a West African proverb, but the true origin has been a subject of some dispute. The phrase means to engage in a negotiation peacefully and politely while allowing one's adversary to see that one is prepared to act with force if negotiations fail. In modern culture, the pistol on a police officer's hip does not often need to be drawn to enforce an instruction. The possibility of it being drawn is usually sufficient to obtain compliance.

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Q: What did Teddy Roosevelt's saying Walk softly and carry a big stick mean?
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okay hello people my name is bob dole and the answer to your question is speak softly but carry a big stick and that's the truth yeah what son get some.......

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Roosevelt introduced the Big Stick Diplomacy during 1901. "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick."

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He may have, but if so he was quoting President Teddy Roosevelt.

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The actual saying is 'speak softly and carry a big stick' versus 'walk tall and carry a big stick.' The saying is attributed to Theodore Roosevelt.

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barack obama Probably Teddy Roosevelt. His view of world diplomacy was, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick!"

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Speak softly but carry a big stick, which was Theodore Roosevelt's statement not his nephew Franklin's

What was Teddy Roosevelt's policy speak softly and carry a big stick?

Speak softly: inform other nations of how you would like them to behave. Carry a big stick: have an overwhelming military advantage, so that your soft words carry an implied threat that is difficult to ignore. If I remember my Junior High history book in the 50's, he was talking about our Navy.