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The Coast Guard patrols the waters around states that have water-ways being there to help people in peril. I say in peril, their boat could be sinking or have motor problems. There could be someone sick or injured and the Coast Guard helps out when it can. They also patrol the sea's for drug smugglers.

Not only does the U.S. Coast Guard keep watch of the U.S. coastal regions and

water-ways they have been involved in every major conflict the U.S. has endured.


The USCG has many other missions. They include:

Aids to Navigation

Military Readiness

Drug Interdiction

Illegal Migrant Interdiction

Port Security

Search and Rescue

Boating Safety Education

Maritime Law Enforcement

Fisheries Enforcement

The U.S.Coast Guard currently operates within the Department of Homeland Security. Before that, it has been within the Treasury Dept., and the Transportation Dept. In time of war or national emergency, the Coast Guard can operate under the operational control of the Navy Dept. The last time this happened was in WWII, although the CG has been fractionally involved in every major conflict since then, including Vietnam, and both Gulf wars. The CG is often involved in training of foreign governments concerning matters where the CG is regarded as the world expert.

That's enough for a short answer. You can find more detailed explanations on the USCG web site, and in books on the subject.

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16y ago

The coast guard, firstly, as is obvious from the name, patrols the coast, searching for mines (usualy left over fro mpast conflicts), and, in time of war, patroling for enemy vesels. When not at war, or possibly even in time of war, the coast guard would also make sure no terrorists brought weapons into a port, or explosives. The coast guard also performs rescue missions, such as a capsized or sinking (or already sunken) ship. If you've ever watched movies or television shows where someone is stranded out in the water because their ship sank, and a rescue boat or a helicopter comes out and gets them, that would be the coast guard. The Mission Statment of the US Coast Guard: To administer the various bridge statutes, environmental laws of the United States, pertinent regulations and policies in a timely, courteous, responsive and professional manner. This mission will contribute to the development of a safer, more efficient and convenient marine and land transportation system that will effectively utilize and conserve the nations resources in a cost efficient manner, while providing for the well-being, general safety, security, and interests of the citizens of the United States.

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11y ago

You can do many things in the Coast Guard. For example, you can have a civilian job such as in civil engineering or wellness coordination. If you choose to be enlisted, one of your responsibilities may be finding drug traffickers.

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14y ago

"The Coast Guard is a military, multi-mission, maritime force offering a unique blend of military, law enforcement, regulatory, and diplomatic capabilities." These capabilities underpin three broad roles (Maritime Security, Maritime Safety, and Maritime Stewardship).

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