sl st in crochet means to stanted stitch
In most abbreviations you'll find it as "sl st" which means slip stitch but in some cases you'll find it just as sl.
S mean Sport , SL mean Sport Luxury , SE mean Sport Elegance and Special Edition . It also means straight edge. (for life)special edition
Shootout Loss
That most likely means, "slip."
One possibility is Self Loading.
Sub lingual - as in under the tongue
Stainless Steel frame
SL means sub-lingual Stat is from latin "Statim" which means immediately So SL STAT means they want 0.3mg of the drug placed under the tongue immediately.
Sport Leicht (in German) that means Sport Lightweight
On prescriptions, it means sublingual (beneath the tongue).
I don't know about SL. If you mean SI, the unit of power is the watt (equal to joules/second).