An incomplete right bundle branch block is an interruption in the heart's electrical conduction system. Incomplete means it has not completely failed.
right bundle branch block
BBB means bundle branch block
You probably misheard bundle as bubble. Like me, you have left bundle branch block. Google that for more info.
Block of anterior branch ol left bundle
A complete left bundle branch block (LBBB) occurs when there is a blockage in the electrical pathway (bundle branch) that carries signals to the left side of the heart. This can cause a delay in the electrical signals reaching the left ventricle, leading to changes in the appearance of the ECG waveforms. It may indicate an underlying heart condition and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.
it means fighting in air . hope this answer is Right :p
Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB) is a conduction abnormality in the heart's electrical system that can be detected on an electrocardiogram (ECG). It indicates a delay or block in the conduction of electrical impulses in a specific part of the heart's left bundle branch. LAFB is usually considered a benign finding, but it may be associated with underlying heart conditions and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.
By that i guess you mean place a block in which it is, RMB (Right Mouse Button). Ryan
it mean when you shittt
"No Right For You" which means you did not block the entire match because "R" is the block button on old GC controllers.
Rollo (pronounced ROH-yoh) can mean roll (as in a roll of something like coins, string or paper) It can also mean Reel (as in a reel of film -- roll of film) It can also mean bundle (as in something bundled up in a mess. However it does NOT mean bundle as in a bundle of cash or a bundled price on a package.)
If by bundle you mean the 320 GB PS3 and the Move Bundle the USA retail price remains $399.99 since it's release