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The term "pigeonholing" is used to mean that a committee will ignore a pending bill by placing it aside, as if in a cubbyhole. The term comes from the small compartments used for domesticated pigeons when they are nesting.

Another modern synonym is to "bottle up" a bill in committee.

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Garden Web is a great resource for people to find instructions on how to build a pigeon hole. They have several options and provide printable versions for people to have handy.

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Learn to "pigeon hole" problems. Pigeon holes are small compartments in which pet pigeons can make nests. When you pigeon hole your problems, you keep them in the situation in which they occurred. For example, suppose you had a dreadful day at work. The machine you ran broke down and you didn't accomplish your goals for the day. You should do your best to keep this problem at work so it doesn't interfere with your friendships, home life, studies, and other activities.

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