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Q: What does dividing the nation cartoon tell about the presidential election of 1860?
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The state that holds the earliest presidential primary election in the nation is New Hampshire.

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The Navajo Nation Presidential Election is conducted every four years for the President, Vice-President of the Navajo Nation, the Navajo Nation Council and the Election Board. The Navajo Nation Chapter Election is conducted every four years for the positions of the Chapter Officers (President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer), Grazing Committee members, Land Board members, School Board members, Farm Board, Election Board and Kayenta Township Commission.

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In the 2008 presidential election, cable TV reporters remarked that Iowa had the highest literacy rate in the nation.

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Vice presidential candidates are generally chosen in order to garner extra votes in the general election. The votes will usually come from a specific area of the nation like the South or the West.

What was noteworthy of the election of 1856?

In the election of 1856, what was noteworthy was the fact the issue of slavery was not discussed during the presidential campaign in a divided nation on this issue. James Buchanan and John Fremont were the main candidates. James Buchanan won the election, but he did not get the majority of the popular vote. Four years later, Lincoln would become president.

How did the 1860 election divide the nation.?

The US presidential election pitted one Republican, Abraham Lincoln against three other candidates. Despite the party names of these candidates, all of them were Democrats. This divided the Democratic Party and helped Republican Lincoln gain the presidency. The nation remained divided however, over the talk about secession, the future of slavery and the future of the Democratic Party.

How did the 1860 election divide the nation?

The US presidential election pitted one Republican, Abraham Lincoln against three other candidates. Despite the party names of these candidates, all of them were Democrats. This divided the Democratic Party and helped Republican Lincoln gain the presidency. The nation remained divided however, over the talk about secession, the future of slavery and the future of the Democratic Party.

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When is election day for national elections?

In the United States, federal Election day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The next federal election will be November 8, 2016. Presidential elections are held in years divisible by 4. Congressional elections are held in years divisible by 2.

Presidential words that begin with A andN?

America and Nation