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Q: What does byzantine debates mean?
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What debates? What do you mean by "similar debates"? Sniff, sniff,... this smells like a homework question.

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For political debates the Elephant represents the Republican party and the donkey represents the Democratic party.

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Perhaps you mean "debates". See the related question.

What does the word byzantine mean?

byzantine meant originally 'coming from Byzance' (the old name for Istambul) or (feminine) 'inhabitant of Byzance'. The term has come to mean 'something very difficult to understand / very complicated'

How To Do Debates?

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How many debates were held in 1960 in the series of presidential debates?

There were four presidential debates in the election of 1960, between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. These were the presidential debates as well as the first nationally televised debates in US history.

When was Munk Debates created?

Munk Debates was created in 2008.

When was International Debates created?

International Debates was created in 2003.

What is slogan for byzantine empire?

You have to be more specific as to what you mean by the "Byzantine Empire". If you are asking about the eastern part of the Roman empire, which historians have dubbed "Byzantine" (after the city of Byzantium), be aware that there was no such thing. It was the Roman empire-- period. Historians used the term Byzantine when they were referring to the eastern parts of the Roman empire in order to differentiate between the two areas of the empire.

How many debates between Obama an McCain were there?

3 televised debates