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You either are a horrible driver or you didn't pay your bill. Or something else..

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Q: What does an insurance cancellation policy mean?
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What does it mean to rescind a cancellation notice?

The cancellation notice ended the Insurance Policy. Stated another way, that means that the (Insurance) contract is no longer in force. To Rescind a Cancellation means that the cancellation has been taken back or voided by the Insurance Company and the Insurance Policy (Contract) is now back in force.

Can a home insurance policy be cancelled for non payment?

Yes. Non Payment of premium can cause a cancellation or non renewal of an insurance policy.

What is the cash value in an insurance policy mean?

The cash value is the amount of money your insurance policy is worth to the owner of the policy if the insurance is cancelled and the policy terminated. The insurance company will mail a check to the to the policy owner upon policy termination or cancellation by request of the owner. I would strongly encourage you to consult a professional in your area before cancelling an existing policy. There may be other options and alternatives to access the value of the policy without cancelling the insurance policy.

What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

How do multiple loss claims on a personal articles policy for jewelry affect this policy and your Auto and homeowners?

Multiple losses on any policy will guarantee a cancellation. A cancellation on a home insurance policy will pretty much guarantee that you will not get another homeowners policy at anything close to a reasonable rate. Also, you can be assured that no company will allow you to purchase jewelry floater policy either. I hope your state has an insurance pool for those who can't buy insurance in the private sector.

Car insurance criteria for cancels due to accidents?

A car insurance company can cancel your policy for many reasons and they are not obligated to provide you with insurance. Different companies have different criteria for cancellation of a policy due to accidents.

What is the auto insurance claims frequency?

Claims FrequencyIt refers to how often cliams are filed against your insurance policy. Frequent claims activity can result in cancellation or non renewal of your policy.

What is a travel insurance policy?

Travel Insurance - there are four kinds of travel insurance: Travel Cancellation Insurance, Baggage or Personal Effects Coverage, Emergency Medical Care, and Accidental Death

Is your insurance void if your license is suspended?

Generally NO. If your insurer wishes to cancel your policy they are required to notify you prior to cancellation.

Can a prudential life insurance policy written in the 1940s be cancelled when insured becomes age 100 at dies at age 106?

It absolutely depends on the policy, they are all different. This will all be laud out in the policy itself; if you need assistance try either Citizens' Advice or an independent financial advisor.

What does life insurance has been suspended mean?

If you die there will be no payout to your beneficary, This usually happens when you miss a premium payment and they 'suspend' the policy, allowing you to make the payment(s) up to date and will reinstate the policy, as opposed to a 'cancellation' or 'termination' when you have lost the policy never to be reinstated

Can a insurance company cancel your insurance because you do not live in your home?

Yes, The terms of our Homeowners Insurance Policy state that we must notify the insurance company if there is a change in residence of the home. Failure to comply with the terms of the insuring contract are grounds for cancellation or non-renewal of the policy.