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The SCO is tasked with securing and handling the disipositon of the personal effects (PE) of deceased active duty. He secures, inventories, records the effects of the deceased that are on government property. He also is the person to "clear" the deceased from the installation; turning in any military effects that were with the deceased and belonged to the active duty branch.

The SCO is also the person to determine who will be the person eligible to receive the personal effects (PERE). He/she uses the regulations of that military branch to follow the order of presidence as to who would be the primary next of kin to receive those effects. There are often conflicts in which this presidence way not apply, such as when there is a Will and that Will is placed into probate and an excutor is established.

Once the PERE is determined then the SCO will set the shipping of those effects to the PERE. This is done through the assistance of the PERE's Casualty Assistance Officer in determining where and when the shipment will take place.

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