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Never defined, which makes the Pledge all the more confusing to little children.

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Q: What does allegiance mean in the Pledge of allegiance?
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Do you have to do the pledge of allegiance?

No. If you mean in school, they cannot force you to participate in the pledge.

Is the Christian Pledge of Allegiance plagiarized from the American Pledge of Allegiance?

Who claims authorship of the "Christian Pledge of Allegiance"? No

What is the name of the pledge of allegiance of Ireland?

Ireland does not have a pledge of allegiance.

When was Pledge of Allegiance created?

Pledge of Allegiance was created in 1892.

What are the first 6 words of the pledge of allegiance?

I pledge of allegiance to the

What does pledge mean in the pledge of allegiance?

Never defined, which makes the Pledge all the more confusing to little children.

Should you say a club pledge before the pledge of allegiance?

I say Pledge of allegiance first

What is the pledge of allegiance to the Jamaican flag?

I pledge allegiance to the jamaican flag

What does liberty mean in the pledge of allegiance?

liberty means freedom

What is the book you Pledge Allegiance about?

In the Pledge of Allegiance, you pledge your allegiance to two things: the U.S. flag and the United States (the republic for which the flag stands).

What does 'to the falg' mean in the pledge of allegiance?

It means that you are pledging allegiance to the USA . . . the flag in this context stands for the USA.

How many commas are in the pledge of allegiance?

There are three commas in the Pledge of Allegiance.