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It means that peope like u

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Q: What does a tribal rule government mean?
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Related questions

What is Tribal Rule?

Trible rule is where there's no national government or no loyalty to the national.

Which countries have tribal rule?

Papua new guinea, Indonesia, Africans, new zeleanders

What were the effects of British rule on Indian tribes?

the British rule affected the tribal life severely. the freedom of the tribal was snatched away by the British. the British imposed taxes on these tribal for more revenue

What are the main types of government?

Direct Democracy, Tribal Rule, Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy.

Which countries still have tribal rule?


What kind of government did the Iroquois?

The Iroquois Indians had a form of tribal government. Their government was large and complex and was comprised of 6 different tribal governments.

What type of government did native Americans have?

tribal government

What type of government Native Americans have?

tribal government

What type of government did the Kiowa have?

They have a tribal leader/government

Can anyone request a skokomish tribal members commercial income?

The Tribal Government.

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How did the somali government die?

by the tribal wars