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Social Security is not a solution for unemployment. It was meant for those retiring or disabled and was contributed to while the person was working. Unemployment benefits are paid into the system by businesses for those who lose their jobs.

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Q: What does Social Security offer for the unemployed?
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can you get social security while you are pregnant if you are unemployed

Can you get unemployment and apply for Social Security for a child?

Your being unemployed does not qualify the child to receive Social Security benefits.

Can you draw Social Security on the death of an unemployed spouse?

If the spouse was eligible in the first place you can, regardless if he was unemployed at the time.

Did social security provide insurance programs for the unemployed?

NO. The unemployment compensation program is NOT a part of the social security and medicare insurance program.

Which New Deal agency was most effective in aiding the unemployed during the Depression?

social security

What has the author Adrian Sinfield written?

Adrian Sinfield has written: 'Social security and its social division' 'What unemployment means' -- subject(s): Unemployed, Unemployment 'Social security through taxation'

What is a program that provides monthly payments to the elderly disabled and unemployed?

i would say Social Security

What new deal program provided security for elderly and unemployed?

The Social Security Act of 1935 provided security for the elderly and unemployed. It established a system of providing financial support to retired workers over the age of 65 and created unemployment insurance to provide temporary income for those who lost their jobs.

What three groups did social security act help?

older people, disabled people, and unemployed people

Can you collect half of your social security at age 55 years?

You can only draw Social Security benefits at age 55 if you are disabled.

Where can I found a social security?

Some businesses offer Social Security name changes or cards for a fee. Social Security provides those services and more for free. Do not pay for something we will give you free. Social Security is the best place to get information about Social Security.

What statement best describes the purpose of the Social Security act?

Federal Tax on payroll that would be returned to the states to assist unemployed workers