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Romana (or, in full, Romanadvoratrelundar) was a Time Lady, and so, like all Time Lords and Ladies (such as the Doctor), could regenerate. She does so at the beginning of 1979's Destiny of the Daleks.

Presumably the Doctor's grand-daughter, Susan, could also, but this was never discussed on screen.

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Q: What doctor who companion could change appearance?
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Involve a change in appearance?

A change in appearance refers to any alteration in the physical characteristics of an individual or object. This could include changes in color, shape, size, texture, or overall aesthetic.

How tall was Hestia?

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Demeter's height is not specifically mentioned in ancient texts or myths. She is typically depicted as a mature woman of average height, similar to other Olympian deities.

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Does your stomach grow on second life when your pregnant?

It can. The appearance of your avatar can change as often as you want in Second Life. Lots of people who want to roleplay being pregnant change their appearance to look pregnant. Your avatar appearance is basically defined by two things: Your body "shape" and your "skin". In this case, as you progress in your pretend pregnancy, you could change your "shape" to make your body bigger in all the right places, and keep changing it as you grow. You could also change your "skin" to give the visual appearance of change in the color and look of your skin.

What color was Persephone's hair?

Persephone, being a Greek goddess, could change her appearance (and hair) at will.

How could you prove that grinding a bar of iron into a powder is not a chemical change?

Grinding a bar of iron into a powder is a physical change, not a chemical change. This is because the iron is still the same substance, just in a different physical form. No new substances are formed during the grinding process, demonstrating that it is a physical change.

If you were doctor who's assistant what could be a problem with the job?

I am not perfectly clear on what you are asking but I will do my best. If you were a companion of the Doctors then you would likely face death every day, endanger loved ones, and grow old while the Doctor stays young.