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Jermaine Romaguera

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Q: What do you pledge loyalty to when you say pledge of allegiance?
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What do we show loyalty to when we say pledge of allegiance?

The US Pledge of Allegiance is meant to show loyalty to the flag and "to the Republic for which it stands" which is the United States of America.

What do we have to show loyalty to when you say the pledge of allegiance?

The American Flag

What the meaning of alllegiane?

Allegiance basically means loyalty, faithfulness, or commitment. When you say 'I pledge allegiance' you are saying that you pledge to be loyal and faithful.

What do you show loyalty to when you say the pledge of allegiance?

The United States of America

What do you show layalty to when you say the pledge of allegiance?

When you say the Pledge of Allegiance, you are showing loyalty to the United States of America, its flag, and the values it represents, including liberty and justice for all.

What is the pledge of allegiance Argentina?

Is the loyalty and we worship taylor and she is our queen we must do as she say and not as she do

What do we show loyalty to when we say the pledge of allegiance?

The Flag The United States .

What do Americans pledge loyalty to when saying the pledge of allegiance?


How do you put allegiance in a sentence?

Allegiance means loyalty toward someone or something. He owes the king his allegiance. We say the pledge of allegiance to our country every day.

What is the promise of loyalty in the us call?

"the Pledge of Allegiance"

Should you say a club pledge before the pledge of allegiance?

I say Pledge of allegiance first

What do you do the show loyalty when you say the pledge of allegiance?

put your right hand over your heart and look at the flag