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You could be boiling hot after strenuous and very sweaty exercises. You could be bringing water to the boil in a kettle on a stove, to brew a pot of tea. You could even be boiling mad that the train is very late and you may be too late for an important business meeting.

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6y ago

boiling is to heat a liquid so hot that bubbles rise to the surface, or to reach a temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapour

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Weathers boiling point?.... if you mean rain, its water so .. 100 degrees?..

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What does aqua bulliens mean?

"Aqua bulliens" is a Latin term that translates to "boiling water." It is often used in scientific contexts to refer to water at its boiling point.

What does the term simmer mean?

Liquid on a low heat. Slowly bubbling, not vigorously boiling.

How pressure attract boiling point in cyclohexane?

It is impossible to 'attract' any boiling point (whatever that may mean):Boiling point is a physical property of a particular liquid compound depending on pressure.

What do the terms 'boiling' and 'simmering' mean?

Boiling is heating any liquid substance over its boiling point, till it changes its state.. Simmering is continuously heating any liquid substance to keep it hot..