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The most important thing to do is to cool the person's body temperature as quickly as possible. Many sports team now require a tub of ice to be available on the sidelines of games and practices for athletes who get into heat-related trouble. If someone collapses from heat stroke, you should immediately try to get them into a tub of ice cold water. If you can cool their body temperature down within the first 30 minutes, they have a better chance of survival.

Other things to try:

- Lie them down - on a bed or into the recovery position

- Remove most of their clothes (cut them off, don't dither around undressing them).

- Ensure they can breath properly- give oxygen if you can

- Give smallish sips of water slowly, not a huge amount at one time however

- cool the person down, place them under a fan or in air conditioned room (not too cold). Maybe dribble cool water over them SLOWLY. Cool (not cold) damp towels on them work well.

- Their heart can practically disintegrate. Placate them, put their mind at rest with reassurance.

- Call an ambulance fast to get them to professional help.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Heat stroke victims need immediate cooling before they are transported or taken to the hospital. If you know someone is suffering from heat stroke, get them into a tub of ice or ice cold water ASAP, and then call an ambulance. By getting their body temperature down within the first 30 minutes, there is a much better chance of saving the victim's life.

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11y ago

If you suspect a person is suffering from heatstroke:

  • Move them out of the sun, preferably into an air conditioned space
  • Call 911
  • Cool the person (spray them with water or lay damp sheet on them)
  • Fan them or someway blow air on them
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8y ago

Shade, cool, and supply cool drinks (cool rather than very cold, and sips rather than gulping too much liquid too fast - could shock the stomach). Keep the patient talking and aware. Reassure and comfort until the patient has been seen by professional medical people, or has recovered and is lucid once more.

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9y ago

Take them into a cool place, shade or cooler room. Apply a cool towel, not ice.

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9y ago

Immediately request medical assistance and transport

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12y ago

Sit down in shade, hydrate, pour water on your face, and notify local health care professionals.

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9y ago

Have them rest, move to a cool area, and drink water. Heat stroke is very serious and always seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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9y ago

Cool them down and give them water. Heat stroke is very serious and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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13y ago

request medical assistance

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Q: What do you do if someone if suffering from heat stroke?
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What should you do if someone is suffering from heat stroke?

Immediately request medical assistance and transport

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What should you do if you suppose a casualty is suffering from heat stroke?

immediately request medical assistance and transport

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Can you put water on someone who has heat stroke?

yes, but if they are too far gone you can not

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remove victim from heated area

What age groups does stroke affect?

Everybody... but i would say maybe the elderly and people suffering heat conditions have a higher percentile possibilty.