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To make sure that you give the best effective aid to the patient you must:

  1. Do an ABC assessment of the patient (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)
  2. If the airway is clear give a head tilt chin lift by applying pressure to the forehead and lifting the chin.
  3. in this case of having a pulse but not breathing you should give artificial respiration to the patient at a rate of one breath every five seconds.
  4. Every 2 minutes you should re-assess the patient (ABC)
  5. If the patient then falls in Cardiac Arrest you the need to start CPR straight away...

If you need advice on CPR you need to see the appropriate society.

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Q: What do you do if someone has a faint pulse and is not breathing?
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Related questions

When is CPR required?

When someone is not breathing and does not have a pulse

What is weak pulse?

A weak pulse is a faint or suppressed hearbeat.

Will there be any side effects to the person who CPR was preformed on even if he got pulse and respiration?

If you perform CPR on a person who is breathing and has a pulse, you would decrease the effectiveness of their own breaths & heart pumps. If a person is breathing and has a good pulse, during the check you should be able to determine the person has signs of life. In fact, if you try to perform CPR, they may resist. If the person is barley breathing and you do not determine they are breathing, better to perform CPR if in question because if the breathing is that faint, it will only be a short amount of time before they loose signs of life. The probability of a side affect of performing CPR with faint signs of life is small.

How are your breathing rate and pulse rate related?

The breathing rate and pulse rate are related proportionally. If the breathing rate increases, so does the pulse rate. The pulse rate is an indication of the breathing rate.

If someone has a pulse but clearly is cyanotic and has some breathing going on but could be agonal breathing what do you do?

Give rescue breaths as agonal breathing will not support life.

What is it called when someone has no pulse and not breathing?

That means they are dead!!

What to do if a no shock incited on an AED?

Check for a pulse and breathing. No pulse, no breathing, give CPR.

Is opening the airway and supplying oxygen called rescue breathing?

No, rescue breathing is not the same as CPR. CPR is rescue breathing and chest compressions. CPR cycles for an Adult is 30 compressions and 2 breaths.

What are the guidlines for adminering a person who is not breathing and has no pulse?

For the condition of no breathing and no pulse, immediately commence CPR.

What is femoral nerve?

The largest artery (leading away from the heart) in the body runs along the femur bone, in your leg. Checking the femoral pulse in this artery can tell you if someone with a faint pulse is still with us.

What will you do to prevent performing CPR on victim that has only fainted?

Check to see if they have a pulse, or are breathing. If they have both, no CPR is needed. If they have a pulse but aren't breathing, you can perform rescue breathing only without chest compressions. If they do not have a pulse and aren't breathing, you perform rescue breathing and chest compressions.

Can you stop CPR when you have a pulse?

No. Monitor the pulse, and give rescue breathing if needed.