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Q: What do three fifths of the full senate have to vote for to limit debate?
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A manoeuvre that limits debate to thirty hours?

A cloture is a measure used to limit a Senate debate to 30 hours. In order for a cloture to occur, three-fifths of the entire Senate membership must vote yay for the petition to pass.

What describes a cloture rule?

The cloture rule is a way to end a filibuster in Congress. A minimum of 16 senators must sign the petition and three-fifths of the Senate must vote to pass it.

Three fifths of the senate can vote to limit debateon a subject to 3 hours of floor time this is called?

The cloture rule

What is the meaning of the word cloture?

Cloture is a parliamentary procedure used in the U.S. Senate to end a debate and proceed to a vote on a bill. It requires a three-fifths majority (60 votes) to invoke cloture and limit further debate.

How did the three-fifths compromise resolve the debate?

It was lame

What stops a fillibuster?

In the United States Senate, the rule used to stop a filibuster is called "cloture." With the approval of three-fifths of the sitting Senators, this rule sets a limit on how long the Senate can continue to debate a bill or other proposal before voting on it.

Example of cloture?

Cloture is a parliamentary procedure used in the U.S. Senate to end a filibuster and bring a debate to a vote. Senators can invoke cloture by voting to limit further debate on a particular bill or nomination, requiring a three-fifths majority (60 votes) for approval. Once cloture is successfully invoked, debate is limited and a vote must take place within a set period of time.

How many votes does it take to invoke cloture in the senate?

60% of those voting are needed to stop debate on ordinary legislation. (2/3 are needed to end debate on senate rules and only 51% are needed to close debate on presidential appointments, other than for supreme court justices.)

A filibuster can be stopped when three fifths of the senate votes for?

invokes cloture

Can bills be passes by the Senate or House except by three-fifths vote?

Yes, a simple majority is enough to pass an ordinary bill. However, especially in the Senate, the minority can filibuster against a bill. meaning they engage in an endless debate, thereby preventing the bill from coming up to a vote. In order to cut off debate and force a vote, a 3/5 vote is required by Senate rules.

Can bills be passed by the Senate or House except by three-fifths vote?

Yes, a simple majority is enough to pass an ordinary bill. However, especially in the Senate, the minority can filibuster against a bill. meaning they engage in an endless debate, thereby preventing the bill from coming up to a vote. In order to cut off debate and force a vote, a 3/5 vote is required by Senate rules.

What was the debate between north south over counting slave population?

The three-fifths clause provided for counting three-fifths of all slaves for purposes of representation in Congress.