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Q: What do local government create and enact?
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Related questions

How does a local government effect citizen?

Local governments can make laws, which is a significant way they affect citizens. Local governments can, for example, enact smoking bands, raise or lower taxes, and create educational policies.

How does the Mayflower Compact create a form of self government?

we whose names are written agree to enact

What does local government receive from state government?

The state government provides a framework for municipal governments. Chief among the things provided by the state government are monies distributed through grants. Also, the state legislatures enact statutes which allow municipalities to create their own ordinances.

What was the most important reason for the confederation create a federal sovereignty?

To allow the government to enact and enforce laws

Sentence for enact?

The word enact is a verb. A sentence using enact: The NRA is concerned the government will enact a new gun control law.

What are local laws called that local governments enact and enforce?

When the local government (municipal) passes a law it is an ordinance. These ordinances are found in a code of laws maintained in the governing bodies offices.

To achieve its goals what must a government enact?

The government must enact laws to achieve its goals.

What is a sentence using the word enact?

The local townfolks try to enact their own laws.

What term describes the ability of a local government to make laws concerning its own operations and other local issues?

Local municipalities may enact ordinances which have the force of law but only within their jurisidiction.

Why the government might enact a price ceiling in order to accomplish what?

The government might enact a price ceiling in order to protect the poor.

What is enacting?

Enacting is the present participle of the word enact. Enact means to create a bill or law. Enact can also mean to act something out, such as in a play.

What did Franklin d Roosevelt enact to address the great depression?

Answer this question… Increasing government spending to create jobs and maintain social welfare programs