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Q: What did congress do as a result of John Madison's June 1 1812 speech?
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Derisive Federalist name for the War of 1812 that blamed it on the Republican president?

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Who was the losing candidate against James Madisons presidential re election?

De Witt Clinton in the 1812 re election.

Who asked Congress to declare war on Britain in 1812?

James Madison asked Congress to declare war on Britain in 1812.

What has the author Josiah Bartlett written?

Josiah Bartlett has written: 'Speech of the Hon. Josiah Bartlett, representative in Congress, at the Republican convention at Kingston Plains, September 10, 1812' -- subject(s): History, United States War of 1812

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Which political faction in the US congress believed in going to war with England in 1812 was necessary?

What year did congress declare war against Britain?


When did congress declare war on Britain?

June 18, 1812

In 1812 which country did congress declare war on?

Great Britian..

Which was a result of the War of 1812?

One result of the War of 1812 was later election to the presidency of war heroes Andrew Jackson and of William Henry Harrison.

What was the result in 1812?

The Canadians and the British won.

The group that suffered the greatest losses in the War of 1812 was the?

The War Hawks in Congress