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Provide jobs lost in the private sector.

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Q: What did President Hoover hope that public works would do?
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What did president hoover see as problems with government-paid public works jobs?

President Hoover saw two main problems with government-paid public works jobs. Firstly, he believed that such jobs would create dependency on the government and discourage individual initiative and self-reliance. Secondly, Hoover was concerned that government intervention in the economy through public works projects would lead to inefficiency and wasteful spending.

What subject was Herbert Hoover good at?

i think that herbert hoover was most likely good at polotics, because why else would he be a president? herbert hoover did polotics, and math the best.

How did Herbert Hoover get to be president?

In 1919, after spending time in post-war Europe, Hoover was approached by several prominent Democrats - including a young Franklin D. Roosevelt - who told him he would make a great presidential candidate. President Wilson even stated privately he thought Hoover would be his successor.

Which fact would you select to support the statement that the majority of Americans blamed President Hoover for the Great Depression?

Hoover himself came to symbolize the failures of the federal government. President Hoover Hoover expanded civil service coverage of Federal positions, and canceled private oil leases on government lands.

Did hoover get paid for being president?

He would have, but he did not need the money and so refused payment.

What did President Hoover believe about government relief programs?

it would undermine individual character.

What president would talk to his wife in Chinese when they did not want to be over heard?

Herbert Hoover

What president spoke to his wife in Chinese so know one would overhear?

Herbet Hoover

How old was Herbert Hoover when he died?

Herbert Clark Hoover was the 31st President of the United States (1929-1933). In June, 1928, the Republican Party chose Herbert Hoover as its candidate for President of the United States. In November, 1928, Herbert Hoover was elected President of the United States. He was 54 years of age.

What types of federal aid did president Herbert Hoover offer?

President Hoover was looking for ways to help the country out of the Great Depression. He offered federal aid to banks and businesses hoping this in turn would help the citizens.

What did Herbert Hoover propose as a solution for ailing Americans?

Hoover believed Americans should first of all have an efficiently run government that eliminated unnecessary waste. After the Great Depression hit, Hoover believed government enforced efforts via tariffs, an increase in taxes for the wealthy and corporations, and expanded public works would help ailing Americans. These efforts failed to sufficiently stimulate the economy.

Which president had also been Secretary of Commerce under another president and felt comfortable that prosperity would continue for some time to come?
