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As a Republican, Jefferson believed in strong state governments and a modestly powerful central, federal government. During Adam's presidency prior to his own, Jefferson and other Republicans saw the federal government taking too large of a role and asserting its power in ways that overstepped what they believed the Constitution allowed. When Jefferson came to power, he made a large effort to limit the power of the federal government by abolishing all internal taxes. By the end of his presidency, he had also reduced the national debt by half, mostly by reducing government spending.

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Q: What did Jefferson abolish internal taxes?
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For the same reason that, even though no one likes taxes, we don't abolish taxes: The revenue is needed to fund various civic operations.

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Jefferson did not want to raise taxes and did not want a large navy.

How did Jefferson simplify the federal government?

by cutting costs whenever possible by reducing the size of the army by lowering expenses for government social functions by eliminating all internal taxes

How did president Jefferson inaugural address reflect his belief about government?

In President's Jefferson's inaugural address he did reflect his belief about government by saying we "are all Republicans and we are all Federalists."

Who do you pay your taxes to?

Federal taxes are paid to the Internal Revenue Service.

Did slavery end with Thomas Jefferson?

No, slavery did not end with Thomas Jefferson. While Jefferson did publicly express his opposition to slavery, he did not take significant actions to abolish the institution during his presidency. Slavery persisted in the United States until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, which formally abolished slavery.

How did Thomas Jefferson behave?

He reduced the national debt , scaled down military expenses , and all federal internal taxes

Why did Thomas Jefferson resist building a larger navy to fight British impressment of American solider?

Jefferson did not want to raise taxes and did not want a large navy.