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she made it

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Q: What did Eleanor roosevelt do to help the declaration of human rights?
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What woman was elected chairman of the UN Human Rights Commission in 1946 and helped draft the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

The first chair of the UN Human Rights Commission was Eleanor Roosevelt.

What famouse document did Eleanor roosevelt help draft in 1946?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

When was Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights created?

Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights was created in 1998.

When did Eleanor Roosevelt write of human rights the declaration?

nobody would've said that because not many people remember/know when she won human rights.

How was Eleanor Roosevelt brave?

Eleanor Roosevelt was brave because she defended human rights!

Why is Roosevelt famous?

Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady of the United States from 1933-1945, while her husband Franklin D Roosevelt was President. Eleanor Roosevelt ran for State Senate and wrote an autobiography. She also drafted the Declaration of Human Rights.

Purpose of the universal declaration of human rights in 1948?

The purpose of the Universal Declaration of human rights was to allow each person around the world equal rights. To allow each person life, liberty, and security of person. This was drafted the Human Rights Commission with Eleanor Roosevelt as the chairwoman.

How did Eleanor Roosevelt transformed the role of the first lady?

Eleanor Roosevelt changed the role of First Lady from being primarily a ceremonial position; she turned it into a role of political involvement. One of the things Eleanor Roosevelt is most remembered for as a political accomplishment was chairing the United Nations Human Rights Commission. She was a key voice behind the Universal Declaration on Human Rights which that commission produced.

What were some things Eleanor roosevelt accomplish after her delegation to the united nations?

Eleanor Roosevelt accomplished many great things after her delegation to the United Nations. Her greatest achievement was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that she helped to write.

What did Eleanor Roosevelt do for peoples human rights?

she made a charity

Who chaired the commission of human rights from 1946-1951?

The commission of human rights from 1946-1951 was chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt. She played a significant role in drafting and championing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948. Roosevelt's leadership and dedication to promoting human rights had a lasting impact on the commission's work during those years.

Who was Anna Eleanor Roosevelt?

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), wife of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and human rights activist