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Q: What criticisms did critics on both the right and the left level at the New Deal?
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What were the two major criticisms of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal econmic policies?

Many critics questioned FDR's New Deal on shift from individualism to collectivism, and for his extensive economic interventionism

How did you deal with criticisms?

You get over it and move on with your life be constructive with it

Why might critics of the first New Deal have favored the second New Deal?

Critics of the first New Deal favored the Second New Deal because the policies were made to give more long term reform programs to the recovering nations. There were some critics of the Second New Deal who felt this was a step toward Socialism.

The government should have the right to silence critics during wartime?

no beacause we have the right of the freedom of speech under the bill of rights. the government should be focused on other more important topics to deal with.

How did father Charles gather support for his criticisms of the new deal?

Through a weekly radio show - Novanet

How did Father Charles Coughlin support for his criticisms of the New Deal?

Through a weekly radio show - Novanet

How did father Charles coughlin gather support for his criticisms of the new deal?

Through a weekly radio show - Novanet

What did the critics say about Muhammad Ali?

That Ali talks and boasts a great deal.

How did the second new deal respond to these new criticisms?

The "first" New Deal dealt with mostly immediate measures of getting the unemployed back to work and providing welfare and recovery. As the Depression continued, FDR began to feel the heat of his critics, both left (Huey Long, Share the Wealth, Charles Townsend, socialists) and right (conservative businessmen, laissez-faire supporters, anti NIRA regulations). To combat these critics, FDR proposed a new set of economic and social measures to fight unemployment and poverty, and to provide real jobs to decrease the unemployment rate. Examples of the Second New Deal included the WPA, which was the major relief agency of the New Deal. It was to provide work, not welfare. The major new piece of legislation during the Second New Deal was the Social Security Act of 1935. It provided insurance for the aged, unemployed, and disabled and it was based on contributions by both employers and employees.

Did all of the major critics of the new deal felt that the programs of the new deal didnt go far enough to help Americans in need?


Which feature of the new deal would critics most likely call a boondoggle?

The works progress administration.

What sharp economic downturn of 1937-1938 that New Deal critics blamed on the president?

The Roosevelt Recession