755 Washington Ave, Statesville, NC 28677
The address of the Iredell Museums Of Arts And Heritage is: 134 Court St, Statesville, NC 28677
8th congressional district
The closest to a halfway point by road is Pocono Summit, PA. About 87 miles from Binghamton and about 90 miles from NYC.
Salisbury, NC. From there you can take the Crescent north to Lynchburg, Washington, DC, Philadelphia or New York or south to New Orleans. You can also take the Piedmont north to Raleigh or south to Charlotte. You can also take the Carolinian north to Raleigh and New York or south to Charlotte.
The address of the Preservation Statesville Inc is: Po Box 293, Statesville, NC 28687-0293
103 miles
40 miles
103 miles
123 miles taking this route:Take I-85 SOUTH from Durham to I-40 WEST.Continue on I-40 WEST to Statesville.
The distance from Statesville, NC to Waxhaw, NC is approximately 50 miles.
Fort Jackson, SC is about 20 miles closer to Statesville than Fort Bragg/Pope AFB, NC.