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Q: What claims did Joseph McCarthy make about people?
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What accusations did Joseph McCarthy make against the US Army?

There were communists in the military.

What did the McCarthy hearings make people fear?


What did McCarthy hearing make people fear?


How did Eisenhower end McCarthy's investigation into his administration and the US Army?

Eisenhower ended McCarthy's investigation into his administration and the US Army by allowing a televised Senate hearing where Army counsel Joseph Welch famously asked McCarthy, "Have you no sense of decency?" This marked a turning point in public opinion against McCarthy and contributed to his eventual downfall. Eisenhower did not directly intervene but allowed the process to play out and let public sentiment turn against McCarthy.

Which man tried to increase his popularity during the early 1950s by taking advantage of Americas fear of communism?

(Joseph McCarthy) Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to increase his popularity by taking advantage of people's fear of communism. In 1950 Senator McCarthy was worried that he might not win reelection to the Senate in 1952. Knowing that many Americans were worried about communist expansion, he decided to make himself more popular by attacking communists.His plan worked, at least for a little while. He started making speeches claiming that he had "proof" that certain people in the U.S. government were working for the communists. Even though his claims were false, many people were so afraid of communists that they believed his lies. McCarthy was well on his way to becoming America's most notorious demagogue -- a person who gains political power by taking advantage of people's hates and fears.But thankfully, McCarthy's demagoguery came to an end when, in 1954, people found out about his lies. His popularity quickly disappeared.(Note: Eugene V. Debs and Norman Thomas were leaders of the Socialist Party in the United States during the early-to-middle 1900s. Gus Hall was a leader of the Communist Party in the U.S. and several times was nominated as that party's candidate for the presidency.)

What are the major claims in its portions deportion that make American fat?

lazy people

Is john McCarthy a ledgend?

John McCarthy was an accident and was never really popular as a child and still is not to day. He is considered ugly according to the girls but is popular with some of the boys at school he has a shocking sense of humour and will often cry when people make jokes at him. so this is why John McCarthy is not a legend.

How much money does Brandon McCarthy make?

MLB player Brandon McCarthy made $10250000 in the 2014 season.

How did Senator Joseph McCarthy exercise his powers as committee chair?

Senator Joseph McCarthy used his powers as committee chair to launch investigations into suspected communist activities in various sectors of the U.S. government. He held public hearings, subpoenaed witnesses, and interrogated them about their alleged communist affiliations. His actions had a chilling effect on people, leading to the blacklisting of many individuals from employment because of their suspected communist sympathies.

How did television affect Joseph McCarthy?

Well deep inside you can always delipirtabley depend on annoucation meaning it demolished or de considered and disnergrated his chances of being optimistaic so it would make him unworthy or even diabolical.

What did Chief Joseph do to make him important?

Chief joseph is a chief who led his people 1200 miles to freedom but got caught at the border.Read more: Who_was_Chief_Joseph

How was Chief Joseph considered an excellent war strategist?

Chief Joseph was very intelligent and fair, and he was able to make informed decisions that were the best plans for his people.