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The Supreme Court's decision holding segregation in the public schools unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education,(1954) overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine allowed by Plessy v. Ferguson, (1896).

In Brown, the Court ruled unanimously that "separate but equal" was "inherently unequal" in that it denied equal educational opportunities to minorities. The decision in Brown invoked the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause.

Case Citation:

Brown v. Board of Education, 347 US 483 (1954)

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Q: What civil rights case rendered invalid the decision in the US Supreme Court case Plessy v Ferguson?
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What civil rights case rendered invalid invalid the decision in the supreme court case of Plessy v Ferguson?

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What civil rights case rendered invalid the decision in the supreme court case of Plessy v Ferguson?

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The landmark civil rights case of Brown v Board of Education rendered invalid the decision in which Supreme Court case?

Brown vs. Board overturned the Supreme Court decision of Plessy vs. Ferguson. That decision ruled that having separate facilities for African-Americans and white people was constitutional so long as these facilities remained equal. Brown vs. Board proved that these separate conditions were not kept equal, and Plessy vs. Ferguson was overturned.

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