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Rising testosterone levels. Especially in women who are goign through menopause.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

good question we have hair all over our body because our hair controls our body temparatur

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βˆ™ 11y ago

because we are beautiful

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Q: What causes some women to have beards?
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What causes women to be born with beards?

hormonal in-balance they have to much testosterone

Can women grow beards?

Yes!! some lady grew the longest female beard of about four inches?

What are the hormones that cause women to grow beards?

When women grow beards it is due to the same hormones that causes men to grow beards, testosterone. Both girls and boys have testosterone in their systems, just like both boys and girls have estrogen in their systems.

Did priests in Medieval times have beards?

Some had beards, some did not.

Do women think men with beards are more attractive?

It depends on individual preferences. Some women may find men with beards more attractive while others may prefer clean-shaven faces. Attractiveness is subjective and varies from person to person.

Are beards attractive?

Yes. Some people find beards attractive.

Do deer grow beards?

yes,some females can .but not very much have them.

Do women get beards?

Some do. Hair growth on the face is a "secondary sexual characteristic" and is controlled by hormones. Women with hormonal imbalances can have significant facial hair growth, even requiring daily shaving. Because if they did have beards they would look crap. WhhhoooooBecause it would look bad.

You should be women and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so meaning?

Banquo knows that the three witches are women but due to their unusual appearance, he jokes around that it's hard to tell.

Does gals like beard men?

Some do, some don't. As a beard wearer for many, many years I can say that there are many women who enjoy the look and feel of beards,

What physical feature did the witches have that made Banquo wonder if they might not be women?

they had beards.

Do some people dread chritsmas due to their phobia of beards?

yes, this is called pogonophobia- a fear of beards...