There are problems at home so they take it out on everyone else.
Peer pressure.
Brought up badly.
Follow the crowd.
Try to act tuff and hard.
Think they are clever.
Don't understand what they are doing.
Blame others for things that are going wrong in their life.
Think it is funny and entertaining
Gordon Allport wrote "The Nature of Prejudice." It was published in 1954 and is considered a seminal work in the field of social psychology. The book explores the causes, consequences, and dynamics of prejudice and discrimination.
The soldier in "Pride and Prejudice" is named Mr. George Wickham. He is a charming and manipulative character who causes trouble for the Bennett family throughout the novel.
Raceist or prejudice comments sorry u deserve it haha
Sometimes yes and sometimes no... it depends, like the civil war for instance. that wasn't because of prejudice, but the holocaust... yes it was. If you don't know what the holocaust is then get reading because I'm not about to explain!
Bias means weight in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in Bowling. It also means an unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
Bias means weight in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in bowling. It also means an unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
hell prejudice
consequences of prejudice
The tenses of prejudice are past tense (prejudiced), present tense (prejudice), and future tense (will prejudice). Prejudice is an emotion or attitude formed prior to having adequate information, leading to a biased judgment.
The adjective for prejudice is "prejudiced."
Prejudice is a lack of respect, therefore respect overcomes prejudice in the act.
The verb form of prejudice is "prejudice." You can use it to indicate the action of holding or showing prejudice against someone or something.