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I would get an lawyer. I know you may not be able to afford it, but you have to do something. Where is the money going? Did you call the company that is suppose to get the money? Here is an idea. Make copies of your pay checks showing the garnishment coming out, write a letter to the company and attach your copies of the checks. I would send it registered mail to make sure the bill gets the letters. You have now proven it is paid, so if they still say they don't have it file a complaint against the bill and your employer with the state. If you bill is a bank there is an on-line form you can file with the federal government. Another thought.... contact a consumer protection agency. There are laws that cover this and you are protected by law.

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Talk to payroll first. They could be sending it, but the state losing it, especially if it's an out of state order. As a federal felony, employers are not likely to do this, which is why you should take enough deduction to forgo a tax return refund. Request a copy of canceled checks. If by chance they are, report this to your state Office of Child Support Enforcement.

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Q: What can you do if your employer is not paying garnished wages to a creditor?
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In Ohio can your wages be garnished for not paying your credit card debt?

Yes, Ohio allows wage garnishment by a judgment creditor.

How do you know if your wages are going to be garnished?

You should in fact receive a letter from who the creditor is and if they are being garnished your employer should send you all the information that was sent to them in order for them to proceed with the garnishment.

Can a Ca employer hold an employees wages?

There are situations where a California employer can hold an employee's wages. If the employee's wages are being garnished the employer can hold them.

If you go on disability can you still be garnished by a sheriff or creditor even though the garnishment has already started?

Garnishment orders apply to wages or in some cases bank accounts. Sheriff's do not garnish wages they just serve the garnishment order. If you are not being paid by an employer there are no wages to be garnished. Disability benefits are exempt from creditor garnishment. They are not exempt from garnishment for tax arrearages or child support.

Can you get fired if your wages are garnished?

Yes, and many people whose wages are garnished are terminated. Few employer do not want to bother with the hassle or entaglement of garnishment.

Can your wages be garnished for an accounts receivable from your employer?

in most states, yes.

Can an employer in Montana charge a fee to administer garnished wages?

yes they can

Can wages be garnished after small claims court in nc?

Yes, wages can be garnished after a judgment is issued in small claims court in North Carolina. The creditor would need to bring a separate action to obtain a wage garnishment order from the court. Once granted, an employer would be required to withhold a portion of the debtor's wages to satisfy the debt.

Can a creditor garnish wages in PA?

Wages can be garnished in the state of PA. The creditor needs to go to court, and get a judgment against you, and garnishment will begin in approximately one month.

In the state of California can your wages be garnished or bank accounts frozen by a judgment creditor?


Can my wages be garnished because of my wife's medical bills?

Wages can be garnished if the creditor wins a judgment against you. In order to so that, you must first be sued by the creditor. And the creditor must win the judgment in court. If you are sued, be sure to attend the court hearing and plead your case to prevent this from happening.

What does it mean to be in danger of judgment?

Means a judge's order you must pay a creditor. A creditor with a judgment can have your wages garnished to repay the debt.