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There are many things for an army wife. The base has organizations for spouses to help them with various things and for social reasons. The bases also provide tickets to games, plays, take trips, and go to amusement parks as well as there is a base theater. Each week a new free first run movie comes to the base theater. Monthly tours are sold for places within a few hundred miles of the base for day trips.There are exercise classes and Swimming Pools to go to as well as day care provided for children. Spouses can also get base jobs as well as jobs on the "outside". College classes are also provided to enlisted and their wives, so it a woman wants a degree she can work on that as well. Each religion has a chaplin so she can become involved in a church if she wishes and seek counseling if needed. If she wants to she can become a medic for the wounded. There is a great deal for an army wife.

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