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The "Pathfinders" are part of the US Army .

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Q: What branch of the military is pathfinders?
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Are the air force a branch of the us military?

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Is the marine corps part of the military branch?

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It is most critical for our military to have, Men and women can both serve their country in each branch of the military.

What branch of government controls the military?

Department of Defense, which is part of the Executive branch

What are the ratings and certificates for The Pathfinders - 1972?

The Pathfinders - 1972 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG

Is the navy the oldest military branch?

No, the oldest military branch was the Continental Army founded by George Washington.

What are the release dates for Pathfinders - 1996?

Pathfinders - 1996 was released on: USA: 1 January 1996

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No, NASA is a civilian space agency. It is not a military branch of the United States government.

Were Luis and clark pathfinders?

They were pathfinders! Luis is actually called undoubtedly the greatest pathfinder this country has ever seen.

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The Legislative branch

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