Deferred revenue is recognized when cash received in advance for product or service that not delivered or rendered, so it's liability, once service fulfilled or product received Revenue Would be recognized Deferred revenue also Known as unearned revenue
The Steamboat Inspection Service was created in 1871 so it could save lives and safeguard property at sea. It was created because there was a high loss of lives due to inadequate safety laws.
The Bureau of Internal Revenue, also known as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is responsible for collecting federal taxes in the United States of America.
WRNS stands for Women's Royal Naval Service, the women's branch of the Royal Navy. This branch was known officially, and popularly, as the WRENS.
It is the same person/official with two different roles.The District Collector is the highest Officer of revenue administration in the district. In revenue matters, he is responsible to the Government through the Divisional Commissioner and the Financial Commissioner, Revenue. He is responsible for the collection of land revenue, other kinds of Government taxes, fees and all dues recoverable as arrears of land revenue. He is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of accurate and up-to-date records of rights as regards the land.He is also the appointing authority for Patwaris and Kanungos and ministerial staff posted in the tahsil offices, and in the offices of Sub Divisional Officers (Civil) and Deputy Commissioner except in the case of Superintendent of Deputy Commissioner's Office and for most of the subordinate revenue staff in the district. As the District Collector, he is the highest revenue judicial authority in the district.The Deputy Commissioner is the executive of the district with numerous responsibilities in the sphere of civil administration, development, panchayats, local bodies, etc. Due to immense importance of his office, the Deputy Commissioner is considered to be the measuring rod of efficiency in administration.The Deputy Commissioner has an Office Superintendent under him, to supervise the work of the clerical staff. He guides functioning of different branches of his office. Each branch is headed by an Assistant and is functionally known after him. For example, the branch looked after by Establishment Assistant (EA) is known as the EA Branch, the one under Miscellaneous Assistant is known as the MA Branch, etc. etc. An Assistant has to perform two types of functions-supervisory and dispositive i.e. he has to supervise the work of the officials working under him, and also to dispose of many cases either at his level or by putting them up to his senior officers. An Assistant has one or more Clerks under him.The number of branches in the office of the Deputy Commissioner differs from district to district depending upon the requirements in each case, but more important branches existing in almost all the districts are, Establishment Branch, Nazarat Branch, Sadr Kanungo Branch, Development Branch, Miscellaneous Branch, Licensing Branch, Complaints and Enquiries Branch, Local Funds Branch, District Revenue Accounts Branch, Flood Relief Branch, Revenue Records Branch, Records and Issue Branch, Sadr Copying Agency, Registration Branch, Peshi Branch, etc.
Also known as the IRS, it's the government agency that collects federal taxes and oversees the federal tax system.
an deferred revenue is known as accounting
Take it to a branch office, speak with Customer Service, and make your suspicions known.
Cost means price of a commodity which a consumer has to pay in order to get any service from a specific agency. Cost is variable in nature and changes according to demand of goods and supply. While the total profit of an agency in yearly basis is known as revenue.
The tax identification number (also known as your employer identification number) for a business may be found via the Internal Revenue Service if you do not remember what it is. If you need to apply for one, you would do that also via the Internal Revenue Service. A tax identification number is to a business what a social security number is to a person.
The only slang term I've ever known to be applied to them is "coasties". Or you could say.. puddle pirates. I'm one...
Basically the same as product revenue, when an entity is sent a bill for services rendered. The amount received is known as billed revenue.