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Q: Which branch of government may disapprove treaties?
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Which branch of government may disapprove appointments to the US Supreme Court?

The Legislative Branch, but specifically the US Senate, must vote to approve or reject the President's nominations. The House of Representatives plays no role in the appointment process.

Which branch may reject treaties?

the F.O.O.P. branch can reject treaties. they are an underground brach that no on ever considers at first glance, but they control all of the other branches secretly.

Who can propose treaties?

Only the President can propose treaties with other countries for the US. This power is speciically given to the president in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2: "He shall have Power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties. . ." No other branch of government and no state may deal with foreign nations.

What is a sentence using disapprove?

He will likely disapprove of your decision to quit school.

Which 3 branches does negotiates treaties with other countries fall in?

Negotiating treaties with other countries falls primarily under the executive branch, specifically the president or head of state, as they have the authority to negotiate and sign treaties on behalf of their country. However, the legislative branch, through the Senate (in the case of the United States), plays a role in the treaty-making process by giving advice and consent to the president for final ratification. Lastly, the judicial branch may be involved in interpreting and resolving any disputes related to the treaties.

What are 3 parts of the the Executive branch?

The Executive Branch of government may consist of many agencies but the Branch itself is only one of three branches of the government. The other two branches of government are the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.

No person serving in one branch of the government may serve in any other branch at the same time?

limited government

Who was allowed to sign treaties with Native Americans?

In the United States the executive branch appointed people to negotiate treaties with Native Americans. The treaty was not in effected unless it was in line with the advice and consent of the US Senate. Certainly there may have been minor details of a treaty the the executive branch was allowed discretion.

What government branch does the state department fall under?

The State Department is under the executive branch. The Constitution grants the President the power to conduct make treaties and appoint ambassadors, and that power has manifested itself primarily in the State Department.

What branch of government may refuse the president's budget?


What branch of government pays the Home Help Workers?

Social Security is the branch of government that may or may not pay for home health serves. To qualify, certain criteria must be met.

Which branch of government introduces or proposes new bills?

Executive Branch