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Condoleezza Rice

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Condoleezza Rice held two cabinet posts in the George W. Bush administration. She served as the National Security Advisor from 2001 to 2005 and then became the Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009.

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The Cabinet is an advisory group selected by the President and approved by the Senate to aid the Chief Executive in making decisions. The Cabinet may also include the Vice President and the heads of major departments. The first Cabinet posts were Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Attorney General, Postmaster General, and Secretary of War (defense).

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In the US System, Cabinet positions are in the Executive Branch. Holders of cabinet posts are nominated by the President (or electee president). Confirmation comes from congress. Not all nominees are approved. The Cabinet positions are partly determined by constitutional designation (secretary of state for example) and partly created by legistlation that creates new government departments (environmental protection). Some posts have been combined. Originally there were secretaries of war and Navy. These are now combined in Secretary of defense.

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While the Secretary of Defense probably deals with the majority of things pertaining to military operations, other cabinet posts also play substantial parts. Secretary of State, for instance. Or Transportation.

How can you set a display period for news forum announcements in Biggyan Could eLearning?

Timed posts are disabled by default, but the feature can be enabled by checking the forum_enabletimedposts checkbox in the forum settings via Administration > Modules > Activities. Timed posts can then be created by users with the capability to view hidden timed posts (normally admins and teachers).

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